So I have a love for the paranormal having watched a whole bunch of things involving ghosts and experiencing the paranormal on many occasions its safe to say that "Dead Files" is a load of crap! I mean really it is a good show and i think it would get tons of more ratings if it were a sitcom drama show where there is a hardcore retired homicide detective looking for answers and his partner tags along as a Gothic psychic that helps create a bridge between the human world and the unknown. See... i just made the show so interesting. Okay so from experience no one is always accurate and on the money as she is all the time, her partner Steve DiSchiavi goes out and find factual evidence of events that occurred around and in the set location they are investigating. And she is ALWAYS RIGHT! Sounds fixed to me. What makes this show fake is the fact that a camera man follows her around with a camcorder and then some how there is a camera recording him recording her, and then he always knows just what questions to ask her, AND she is always saying the exact same thing every other episode things like "he/she is pissed" (referring to the ghosts) She has been caught in her lie of being a psychic numerous times...examples being an episode where the sketch artist is drawing and she says something like the ghost is telling her to STFU B*tch and then at the reveal says its something along the lines of they cant talk to her. And no one else thinks about this logically they all drive in a car together to a location (Amy and her camera CREW) and she is left "outside" so he can go in with another camera guy to remove personal items and cover pictures that may have an influence with her spooky sigh spirit world travels. I just think this show is a load of crap it sure as heck is entertaining though I give it that. However i would still rather watch my favorite three guys run around in the dark and scream at every sound and curse at every piece of shadow they see. "DEAD FILES IS AS REAL AS A 3 DOLLAR BILL!"
Did ya know that there really used to be three dollar bills? I like GA, but they tend to be obnoxious, provoking constantly. How the hell can they hear anything over their bellowing, and bravado? Amy hit the Slocum House in Vancouver, WA, spot on, and that wasn't common knowledge.. I live in the area.. And I am psychic, as well.. A healer.
ReplyDeleteI agree, I believe Amy as well, she is very in tune with her work on the show, and no she hasn't always picked up every spirit so I don't agree with this she is a fake rant. She isn't dramatic on purpose you can tell she is quite overwhelmed by the spirits. there will always be non believers but the afterlife is a force to be reckoned with.
Deleteit happens that EVERY episode of dead files Amy picks up ob the exact info that steve asks exact queations about! everytime is a little suspicious for sure. They should have michelle from the old show paranormal state insteadof amy, becasue michele was always blind folded and she is the REAL DEAL!
DeleteThat probably has more to do with how they edit the episodes than whether or not it's fake.
DeleteThe camera guy knows what questions to ask because that is her husband. Everyone is entitled to their own feelings and beliefs but I believe that she is genuine. Nobody should plaster it all over the net that someone is fake unless you have the rock solid proof that they are fake. And of course there are cameramen filming him filming her how else would they get it on tv.
DeleteIt is so fake!! So every ghost is "pissed?" c'mon...
Deleteshe was brought in to examine the house that inspired 'a haunting in georgia' because Dr. William Roll, parapsychologist, thought she was a surprisingly gifted
Deletepsychic. She seemed pretty accurate in that case with her reading. Just sayin'
No, not every ghost is pissed. I lived in a haunted house about 25 years ago. I knew pretty much zipp back then. Sometimes, there just opportunistic, they do want to enjoy things they did when they were living. I don't believe psychics are right 100% of the time. I'm not psychic, but I had a bad experience once forseeing someone's childs death. I thought it just a strange thought at the time-but I didn't think it was real-till it happened. That was awful. But of course, skepticism is good. We all should check out strange experiences out to make sure it is paranormal or not. I think the client has called Amy and Steve in because they have a problem, and I think they do a great service to everybody.
DeleteThe show is fake..you can just tell with her mannerisms...and the sketches are the funniest part...this lady exploits people who are looking for answers...she should be ashamed of herself.. and "Dragyn"..youre a psychic, as well as a healer? dude..you need to get right with Jesus
DeletePeople, let me crack this bubble your in, it's a TV show, where nothing is real, strawberry fields forever....come on did you really think it was real???I love them I really enjoy them they are quite funny , interesting and extremely stupid! entertainment! that's all, enjoy them all, I miss ghost labs those guys yelled the loudest , remember I never knew when you die your deaf too,, what? GH, and all explain their action during the investigation, jajajajaja, People wake up TV time is too expensive to put on the air a flop! Remember Rivera had a live TV broadcast about Capone vault and BOOM nothing wasted air time , it never happen again, just enjoy teh shows...they great!
ReplyDeleteI Like the show....I also Like Amy.....They dramatize to make interesting...but I still feel her abilities are real..................
DeleteI am sorry. I agree... with Ant thony, I have seen ghosts, and I believe in them but these shows are ENT-ER-TAIN-MENT! Really? A ghost who smokes...and not only just smokes but that watches people at a gym while he is doing it. I just get a kick out of thinking, God, what ghost goes to the gym. I mean, really, WHO gets their WORKOUT on...in the AFTERLIFE? Who needs pecs or has to stay in shape at all...if they are dead? To think of this is HILARIOUS. Before ghost shows, I never knew A. Ghosts had room in their schedule and B. they had this overwhelming need to alter a non-existent physical body. Personally, I think if I was a ghost I would just be too generally pissed off about being dead (if it was untimely). or if it was timely I'd be...too busy hanging out with my grandmother, to frankly come down 3 times a week and get my spectral sit ups in...And Amy swears constantly, I'm no Rhodes Scholar but I'm pretty sure Victorian women didn't drop the F Bomb as frequently as Amy would make us believe. These shows are great, they are hilarious, but I say, take it with a grain of salt. A friend of mine once said that if he came back in the afterlife, and I heard somebody downstairs in the middle of the night...that he would be the ghost in the kitchen, fixing himself a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Long Live the Ghost Shows, down with the Redneck Craze! So let it be written, so let it be done!! Oh..oh...wait...my favorite "Amy Moment": Amy: I think he's saying something...Camera Guy: What is he saying... Amy: It sounds like he is saaaaaying.....uhhhh...GET THE F*** OUT! #AWESOME
DeleteShould have paid closer attention to that episode. The guy hanging around smoking was obviously from a time before the business was a spa.
DeleteGet as many people dancing around in your head as she gets at a location, and see how much you might swear.
No one is ever 100% right ... if they are, then I would question their credibility.
So you would be another po'ed ghost too? Haha. I know I would be if I were always trying to get people's attention and they didn't notice me or I tapped them on the shoulder and they ran off screaming. I mean seriously, in the afterlife, how are you supposed to contact the living without totally freaking them out? I also don't plan on hanging out in someone's basement :) btw I think you need more compelling proof Amy is fake....just sayin'
DeleteI have seen many episodes of dead files. And i am a sensitive to the spirit world as well. However i am also well versed in the world of psycology and i majorly read body language when i pay attention to people. Where i do think all of these shows at some point add things in if they don't get the full package of what they are looking for for the sake of the show. Or even to cover up inaccuracies. There are some things that are impossible to fake if you know what you are looking for. I think she is a real psychic and medium. And i believe there is much behind the scenes we don't see. Like maybe when she isn't so accurate. For example in the reveal her partner reveals pictures of the deceased. And I have watched her response at times in the reveal that tell me she saw something different than the pictures of the dead she was describing. It is written all over her face when she sees it. Dealing with the spirit world is tricky. Spirits can play games with people. When you have this type of sensitivity, the more you use it, the more open you are, the stronger and wiser you become. No one is 100 percent in this field, there is still much we don't know or understand. Yes using your skills for hype is frowned upon by many. However some really enjoy doing it. The fact your trying to destroy her credibility makes me wonder about your actual motive in this matter. Your free to think as you wish, however i believe your incorrect in your assessment.
ReplyDeleteI love your comments! I believe in Amy Allan, and I agree to the things you mentioned here. I am spiritual and I am not ignorant to the paranormal/unknown. I feel truly sad for the people out in the world who do not or will not believe in spiritual matters as well as, the demonic and worse ancient negative forces that are REAL. So, thank you for your sharing.
DeleteI don't think she is a fraud. But I don't know where she's getting her information. Many of the sketches have the same pose and facial expressions as the photos of the deceased. Even in one episode the sketched ghost was wearing the same hat as the deceased portrayed in the photo. This suggests that Amy may be getting her information by way of telepathy instead of communicating with the dead.
DeleteAmy herself said that no psychic is 100% correct and that if they are then you should question them. Amy isnt always 100% correct, in fact her and Steve have had "differences of opinion" they each held firm to where Steve went with what he believed happened based on his research and Amy held strong to her belief based on what she saw. I also saw an interview with Amy where she said the reason she decided to sign with The Dead File show was because it was the ONLY offer that didnt want to "set things up" and was willing to let things happen as they happen, whether she was right or wrong. There have been many episodes where Amy has uncovered information which was not common knowledge, private personal family information etc Maybe the reason she seems to be correct so often is because she is a true physical medium? None of us, aside of those who have passed on and those with special gifts, know what happens when we die 100% so who are we to say where a spirit would "hang out" what they would say, what they would do. h ow they would feel, or basically anything.....all people are different in the living world so I would just assume there are just as many differences in the spirit world. I would love the opportunity to sit down with Amy and ask her so many questions, the reason being is I was raised Catholic and when I see people who I feel are truly gifted mediums it raises so many questions in my mind. Are the spirits they are seeing on their way to what we call "heaven" or is this the existence we all stay with? At this point I tend to feel its sort of an in between place since they have all said there are non-human spirits in the same place with human spirits which would not be so in heaven. It seems the more I learn the more questions arise. Im just saying none of us can say anything for certain because none of us have been there and/or experienced the "other side" aside of true mediums, people who had N.D,E, and those on the other side. Guess we will all have to wait and see, since its where we will all end up one day.
DeleteThe only people that use jajajaja when they comment on computer are people from India, Pakistan or Afghanistan. I rest my case.
ReplyDeleteActually, in Latin America "H" is not common and when a Spanish speaking person types the laugh sound "J" is used in place of "H" because "J" makes the huuhhh sound.
DeleteHispanics-particularly mexicans are the only race of people that I have ever seen use jajajaja, instead of hahahaha. the other person commenting explains this.
DeleteI'm curious what is wrong w/being Pakistani, Afghani, or Indian? (and if you can't come up w/anything better than accusing them of being terrorists, or haters of America, you need a new schtick)
DeleteWow. I hope that was a joke...if it was it was funny...but if it was real (MEANING...meant to be racist)...YOU'RE ridiculous! (hashtag) that_quote_would_be_funny_to_all_my_indian_friends
DeleteAlso, jajaja is also I think a spanish way to spell a laugh...Just Food for thought...Side Note: Beginner's Spanish? Who took that? Oh I did it... What did you get? Guess What? I ACED IT!
This comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteEvery time I see Amy Allen I want to reach threw the screen and choke her. Not only did she victimize ppl on a haunting but she's doing it again on dead files. She's a fake. "Amy and I never speak during an investigation." says steve the ex cop. No it comes from steve to her husband. Her film guy! She has scared gullible homeowners into moving or selling their home. Its terrible. She should be ashamed of herself. It's never JUST a dead person, it's always evil and trying to kill or do harm. I'll take ghost adventures any day. Amy Allen needs to be stopped. Seriously.
ReplyDeleteAmen! I think she is extremely negligible with her reveals & recommendations, especially when it pertains to scaring children and the convoluted reccommendations in removing the spirits and boogymen she states are there to harm them! Just last week she told a child there wasa man/spirits in her room out to hurt her & if it was her, she'd never sleep in that room again, BYE! WFT? Is she thinking telling a child like that & Steve I'm sure a Father just sitting there letting Amy scare the little crap that coukd scare the kid forever! They should both be sued. Your suppose to be there for comfort &to help,not harm. If u are truly blessed to have a gift of psychic abibility, then use it to help not harm! I don't get why she doesn't help with clearing the negetive entities she knows is there but leaves it u to novice scared ppl to find these spiritshealers, mediums or shaymans to cleanse the home? She's right there, not like these kind of ppl can be found in the yellow pages! I'm sorry, Its criminal!
Deleteie: I want to reach *through* the screen
Oh come on, she is waay too hot to want to choke anyways :) And you could maybe stop being so negative also ..and perhaps take the extra millisecond to type "people" instead of "ppl" :)
Oh, so she should lie to the child and potentially put them in harms way so they won't be scared?
DeletePerhaps they should be scared.
She is a psychic not a priest, shaman or spirit healer. Would you hire a plumber to fix your computer or a carpenter to set a broken leg?
She identifies the problem and then advises who would be best to alleviate it.
I'm assuming you are young or uneducated with a narrow minded view of the world to attack someone without any real understanding of what you're talking about.
Watch the episode "A Haunting" where Amy suggests to the client to throw hold water and tell the spirit to get out. The lady did that and Amy blamed her for sending the spirit to her office. Why give someone advice and blame them later? Like I said, if anyone wants unseen things out of their house, ask a shaman or priest.
DeleteThat's because "just a dead person" doesn't violate your personal space. People that call her want help because they are being tormented. Regular dead people aren't going to torment people too much. Therefore, she wouldn't be called. You can always change the channel if it makes you so upset.
DeleteI was going to reply with basically the same thing you wrote.....she only gets called to the places where the spirits are causing chaos to the point where people are terrified or being harmed etc. In general Amy "likes" the dead, she has said that numerous times and hates to have to exercise any spirit, however, as she said, when they "cross the line" she has no choice. She doesn't always suggest to people that the safest and easiest route would be to relocate, that's the last thing she wants to do, why would she WANT to make a family move anyhow? Just to be mean?? And even when she does suggest that the people hardly ever do it. They want to stay and fight. I also find it odd that people have no problem at all believing the homeowners who say they are encountering ghosts, seeing things move on their own, being pushed and touched by spirits etc.. yet they have a hard time believing Amy when she says she can see and communicate with these spirits...even when she communicates the same exact occurrences the homeowners state, only difference being Amy sees the source not just the effect.
DeleteYou and everyone else should know already that the producers are the ones that hype up everything. They use very creative editing--which is basically rearranging when/how things are said--This use of "editing" lying is why nobody believes true paranormal experts. Yes, it is hard to tell the difference between the real ones and the phony ones. There are real ones, it's your choice to believe or not. If you don't like it, don't watch it.
DeleteI have mixed emotions regarding Dead Files. I would not say that I am a belivier in the spirit world nor a disbeliever. I can't say that I've ever had a paranormal experiment, but just because I haven't doesn't mean it can't happen. People used to think that man could not venture into space, but we have, so why are people so sure that this show is faked! From the standpoint of Amy always being right, there are a lot of inconsistancies from episode to episode and sometimes the sketch doesn't match anyone from the hard evidence, but with the cost of TV time, I doubt that the producers would want to air a show where they failed all the time. Also, some of the posters must not understand the concept of shooting an event such as this. Do you really think this footage is not edited? They show the passage of day into night and I surmise that each episode transpires over a span of two to three days, minimum.
ReplyDeletePeople, don't be so stiff and closed minded. Open your minds and heats and think like a child where all things are possible!
I think she has her walk video taped so she can review it and refresh her memory as to the spirits she encountered and the things that happened to her while she was in the house. In the reveal, she uses a notebook to help in the step-by-step retelling of her walk; I believe she's used the video record to help her make her notes complete. She then has a record of her walk to keep for future use. And, she HAS helped at least one person deal with what she found in her walk, so she does personally assist the homeowner every now and then. I also think that when the homeowner takes action, they are asserting themselves and reclaiming the space, which helps in the cleansing of the home. While she's not 100% accurate, she's way more than 80% in most of the shows. Steve, the retired detective who works with her, has said that he occasionally worked with psychics in the course of a homicide investigation while he was still on the force. He didn't have a very high opinion of them until he started working with Amy. He respects her and thinks she's the real deal. I like the show, because I also think she's the best medium in a show about the paranormal that is now or has been on television. So, some think she's fake, and that's okay, too. If both those who believe she's really able to see and communicate with the dead, and those who think she's making it up either from what she's been told by the producers or just out of whole cloth, are entertained by the show, the Travel Channel has been successful with the show. And, that's really what it's all about, anyway - entertaining us, the viewers.
DeleteI don't know if it's real or not but it's very entertaining.
ReplyDeleteUmmm Excuse me?! Dead Files is real and I am friends with Amy! SHE does this for a living! So i don't appareciate YOU posting crap like this on here about her or Dead Files! She is a Medium FULL time and this is all she knows! I bet you are just always judgemental about everyone! YOU need to do your research and actually stop judging others before you make thoughts! Thanks Have a GREAT day!
ReplyDeleteThanks for standing up for Amy. I love the show, am a fellow Hoosier, and she is the real deal.
DeleteFriends with Amy? (what on fb or twitter or in real life?) Well if it's real life, then I'd expect you to stand up for her so vehemently..
DeleteBut you need to remember that any psychic in the public arena is going to be called 'fake'. I'm sure Amy has pulled up her big girl pants and accepted this, so maybe you could.
No...YOU have a GREAT day!!! (gotta love your back handed well wishes hahaha)
Well said, Alishia! Thank you for standing up for Amy and testifying to the reality of her mediumship. I also think she's the real deal.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteThe way she cockes her head arround to the side, twists turns. Is very reminiscent to me of the phony psychics that use the ear pieces that look like the hearing aids that go inside the ear. Are almost invisible unseen unless you're really looking know what to look for. I notice when the cam gets close to her ears she has a spasm to stop us seeing the inside of her ear canal. First major clue she is being fed info off cam by a researcher the simply repeating it on cam to the watching gullible public, also it will cause some people to talk louder than normal to compensate for the volume of the earpiece the person talking in one or both ears. Bottom line she is phony, I see know when real spirits, ghosts, demons are around. When I watch this show, along with several of the others on TV I don't see anything standing next to her/them talking to them telling them anything. When I watch some others, do my own investigations I see them like I would see talk to you standing next to me talking to me. All I see is her putting on a act, repeating info she is being fed through an earpiece its the same basic story at every location they go too. I would love to send them to a location that has never even been haunted put out claims that it is just to watch them put on an act then bust them at the end. Show that I made the entire thing up as a trap. Invite them to investigate your homes then bust them at the end of the show, bet it wont ever make it on the air? I know a house in PA that is truly haunted that she would not last two minutes that would eat her and her crew alive. Its loaded with demons not just ghost that has been recently investigated is out to punish people like her that are fakes messing with things that they don't understand or can't controll. Like poking a angry Grizzly with a sharp twigg and thinking it can't hurt you, she has a lot of harm to answer for. I am sure one day the Grizzly will get even if we wait watch long enough, they always do in the end. Would love to see her and her crew in this house for a couple nights even a day pulling her phony act. They would toss her out the door for trying to pull her act in their house.
DeleteMost authentic psychics and mediums do not feel the need to come online, brag about their own abilities and bash others in the same field....im just saying : )
DeleteShow is crap. If she was so real so to speak, we wouldn't have cold case homicides unsolved, and she would be plastered all over let's say 20 20, dateline, etc.
ReplyDeleteWhether DF is fake or not, which I figure it is, your professed favorite show, Ghost Adventures (and I stress ADVENTURES) is the MOST fake of this genre, that has EVER Been on TV. There are SO many videos showing this, including a park ranger that walks you through everything they completely MADE UP while filming. Can't remember the episode title, but it is very easy to find.
ReplyDeleteWell its not fake and u are all dumb for thinking so
ReplyDeleteshut up, punk
Delete"Real" mediums are wrong sometimes? LOL So, she's fake because she's accurate. That reminds me of a line from Monty Python's "Life of Brian,": "Only the true messiah would deny his divinity!"
ReplyDeleteNo, she isn't a fake, you're wrong. She has said things on her show, in passing, that totally explained mysterious circumstances that happened to me earlier in life. Things I always wondered about, but couldn't explain. I have learned so much from Amy, based on her comments about various spirits beings, how they are created, and how they can be dealt with. No other "TV medium" has shared so much useful information about the other side and the beings that dwell there. I have many questions for Amy, if I am ever lucky enough to meet her.
ReplyDeleteI was watching an old episode of discovery's The Haunting, she was on there, she was a real "sensitive's" camera woman, she had no powers then she was just documenting
ReplyDeleteI love Dead Files! I believe she is the real thing. I also know it is television and there is only one hour, so they have to edit. I think Amy is a great medium and Steve really works hard to find out the history of the places they are investigating.
ReplyDeletewatch the "day in the life with amy" she sits in a cemetary having tea and cookies. Wow wouldn't that really be annoying to have all thoughs dead people there wanting to talk to her...she's a total fake!!!
ReplyDeleteHer husband is a total hottie though not sure what he see's in her
First of all you can't even spell cemetery correctly, & you say thoughs? I think you mean "those." Don't you realize that when you post your opinion online, you lose all credibility by dumbassed spelling and grammar? Secondly, you refer to Amy's husband as a hottie, which is completely off topic. At least she has a man who truly loves her for what she is... which is something that YOU are sadly lacking.
Deletei like the show dead files very much and i am also a fan of ghost adventurer, used to like ghost hunters but can't stand Steve Gonsalves, i think this guy is the only fake one and arrogant in all the shows. I also love Theresa from Long Island Medium. what can I say I am a fan of the supernatural. Please stop criticizing these shows, if you don't like them do not watch them. fake or not they are very entertaining.
ReplyDeleteGhost hunters has become quite boring but I take offence to your comments about Steve . He's well spoken, very polite and pretty old school about manners etc. He used to be a cop, which shows in his demeanour and the way he talks to people.
DeleteArrogant? Not at all...
I wouldn't watch the show if he left.
She has a turkey neck that just freaks me out when combined with her facial expressions, also she just seems fake from watching her body language.
ReplyDeleteAt the end of your blog when you said you'd rather watch your favorite 3 guys run around in the dark and scream at every sound, etc, were you talking about Ghost Adventures' Zach, Nick & Aaron? Lol..... I have a sneaking suspicion that you are. I don't know if Amy Allen is fake or not (I've seen episodes that made me question her myself) but I KNOW those 3 guys ARE. LOL. I swear I've never seen anyone supposedly have something enter their bodies so frequently as Zach claims to.
ReplyDeleteRemember the episode when she has ghost sex? She starts yelling, I'm a dirty slut, put it in my butt!
ReplyDeleteYour post is too bitter and full of ignorance to be taken seriously really, but I will respond anyway since it was top hit on google.
ReplyDeleteYou can't compare "ghosthunter-shows" with "sensitive-shows". <-- period =)
I have abilities myself and in my view the "ghosthunter-shows" are utterly ridiculous.. Bunch of guys screaming like little girls at things that is most likely a combination of suggestion and manifestation of their own fears. They always investigate in the dark... There aren't "more spirits" when it's dark... however there is a lot more fear - the human mind is an extremely powerful creator and catalyst.
But.. if some people prefer the more technological and eaiser grasped approach which these shows offer, that's fine with me. As long as they don't think they become experts in the subtler energies by watching them ;)
And regarding Amy: being a sensitive I have a pretty good understanding/intuition, whatever you prefer, about fakes. While I'm not claiming to be all knowing, she seems legit to me. Based on numerous things.
If you want fakes try Sylvia Browne, Sai Baba and James van Praagh for example.
Amy was on A Haunting tv episode where she worked for a 'sensitive' on a paranormal investigation. Amy didn't have any special abilities & in fact called in a medium to the investigation. Do you still think Amy is real?
DeleteGreat point! Amy states in DF that he has been a sensitive since she was a little girl but in A Haunting she had no abilities. I hate to call someone a fake but things just don't add up with Amy.
DeleteI also wounder what the retired cop's old partners think about what he's doing now. I have a suspicion that he's lost his prespective.
The only episode that I saw her in was "A Haunting in Georgia." She was the medium on that show though. Do you know what the name of the episode was?
DeleteIn Response to MACK M.'s original post above: Very well said and I couldn't agree more.
DeleteIn Response to Steve M. The fact that she was not the medium in this episode but was still in the field/company of those in the field of the paranormal makes me believe that either she had abilities but was still not comfortable enough with them at that point, or she was having visions etc.. but kept them to herself for the same reason above. She probably stayed in the field to "perfect" her gift. I know what all of you skeptics/Amy haters are probably thinking but just think of what it must have been like for her when her abilities first came to light. That must have been terrifying for a child and Im sure it took many years to become comfortable with her gift and "sort things out" in her mind, figure out exactly how things go, what meant what, what was dangerous, how to handle certain entities...and who knows what else goes along with all of that. I used to think I would want a "gift" such as hers but the more and more I think about it, I don't think the word "gift" is a fit title! Look at all the crap you have to deal with on a daily basis, I mean aside of groups of people who don't know you posting all sorts of negative things about you : )
I lived for 5+ years in a building she investigated on the show. It's a well known landmark in the area with a few apartments above it.
ReplyDeleteWhile all of the long time residents have experiences in the building, none of them matched up to what she claimed she sensed. In fact, they never even mention on the show that people live above it, they frame the building in the shots in such a way so you can't see the top floors (it would probably hurt her - it's so dangerous here/making you sick/etc statements if you could see lit up cheery windows and people moving around). In any case, there is definately activity in the building, but largely mischievous and in no way actively malevolent as she states in the show. It's obviously about ratings. Knowing what I know about the building and its history, especially the part of the building they investigated - some of her statements are hilarious and blatantly incorrect, but good for ratings for sure. Kudos to the new owner of the downstairs establishment for using it to get publicity however.
You have no clue what you are talking about although you are a self-professed expert. She is the real deal and I have the video to prove it. Next time you take to the internet to defame someone behind the security of you keyboard, make sure you know what you are talking about.
ReplyDeleteOmg! I must be a medium too because I just saw a ghost on The Sixth Sense!
ReplyDeleteOh please just stop.
DeleteGAC Is more fake than any show I have ever seen. Maybe they would have real experiences if they quit trying to be the biggest manwhores on Travel Channel. Hey GAC BOYS!!! STFU and get over yourselves and do your job.
ReplyDeleteThis show is a joke. This woman has little to no ability and she is making a fool out of herself. I can see and speak with the dead too and it is NOT an exact ability. They don't just come running out of the closets to greet you. Even IF she has any ability at all, she can NOT be right on the money every single time. And the faces and the noises she makes are rediculous!! I only watched 2 episodes and that was enough for me to know this show is stupid and fake.
ReplyDeleteWowww, all of you must be punks and jealous because one even if it is fake, who the hell cares but just because she is right most of the time and you or whatever are not as exact as her makes her fake??? Get off your soap box and write about something that matters other then a t.v show...
ReplyDeleteI love this show and its a great kick start to my weekend. Whether its real or fake doesnt matter to me. People will debate that about the paranormal forever. Its a good concept for a show. My very favorite part is when they reveal the sketch at the end. Steve opens the envelope and hogs the sketch for a good 3 to 4 seconds. Everyone around the table who has been terrorized by the entity in the home is dying to see it but he takes his sweet time passing it around.
ReplyDeleteFunny...Steve is an actor and played a detective in the movie
ReplyDeletePride and Glory. Show is entertaining but disappointed that they're obviously actorsl
******I looked it up, it says Stephen A. DiSchiavi played a detective. Detectives here in NYC do at times play DETECTIVES/COPS on t.v. shows and films that film in or around NYC. Also they can be on "location" to add an authentic "feel" to the movie. Its not uncommon, Det. DiSchiavi was also filmed with other NYPD Detectives for A&E series "Watching the Detectives", an 11 episode series. Lol, no I'm not trying to make you look bad, I looked it up cuz he's the only good thing about DF (in my op.)******
DeleteMr. Cromartie, I want to thank you for your informed information. Whatever a person may think of Amy, Det. DiSchiavi deserves some respect. He is not representing himself as anything other than a retired NY Detective trying to find the facts. He's not claiming he is communicating with the dead.
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ReplyDeleteI do believe that there are things can't be explained. I think that dead files may or may not be real. However, that doesn't mean, i think it's impossible to be true. Therefore, i will not say things that i know nothing about, such as this show. The point is we have to keep an open mind and not judge others until we meet them face to face and see the proof for ourselves. That's my belief at least. To add to that, whether or not you believe this show is real or not, it is not something for us to decide or have proof of. I mean concrete proof of it being fake. If you don't have it, then don't speak. If you do, then here is my email aellie87@gmail.com. And for anyone that truly believes in this show email me at lovelybones256@gmail.com. Either way I'm interested in seeing what people have to say.
You don't have to write back, just a suggestion
I'm curious, if a medium feels a spirit and the camera is on them how come the camera's never pick any visual presents up? I say the Haunting episode and as a Cherokee native ( fallows ceremonies and all) you should know that if a spirit(s) is strong enough pull you off the bed or bite you then white sage won't do anything but piss the spirit(s) off? It will quiet for awhile but it will come back even more angry. I burned white sage a lot, saw a little boy's spirit walk past me up to my brother who wasn't paying attention that it was not his son who he moved out of the way for but, the white sage also brought a black shadow and torments the dog of the people who lives at that house now. Some people learns from those they see on t.v. that doesn't know what the hell their doing
ReplyDeleteThe woman is clearly disturbed and her camcorder buddy always looks as though he's in despair because his NYC Film School work has come down to this.
ReplyDeleteHAHA....your funny!
DeleteI know the spirits are not real, because they spoke to me and said they weren't real.
ReplyDelete....how can something that isn't real...tell you anything?
DeleteClearly missed the joke. Lol
Deletethere are, like, shadow pee-ple & stuff. real scary. amy feels them when she makes those faces like shes taking a dump while that nudnik holds that handycam on her.
ReplyDeleteIn the end, I love the Dead Files, and honestly believe that Amy Allen is the real deal. There are some episodes where either she doesn't get something Steve finds, or gets something Steve can't verify.
ReplyDeleteThat being said, I'm sure there are some dramatic elements to the show, seems like Steve can find an awful lot of info very quickly, and get in contact with people pretty fast.
Its just a shame that there is so much crap ghost stuff on TV that dramatize it all so much that no one can take any of it seriously.
You must realize that there are days if not weeks of pre-production research that is done prior to the actual filming of the episodes (cases). I will grant you that Steve may direct the research but I sure that a producer sets up the interviews long in advance of filming. It would be impossible to gather both documentation and witnesses in a matter of two days, especially when you are on a film schedule.
DeleteLet us be honest. No one is psychic. They might think they are, but they are about as psychic as me. I think psychics choose this line of being because no one can empirically say what they are saying is a lie, and because it makes the person feel special that they have a 'power'. Can we honestly look at any situation where a psychic said something that wasn't vague and it was completely accurate? This is why Crossing Over is no longer on tv...It is all a bunch of BS. Wait Wait...I feel like the next person who posts may or may not disagree and may or many not have an a,e,i, or u in their name.
ReplyDeleteI believe amy is a real medium and can see ghosts. I have a very strong connection to the spirit world, i have since i was a baby. Weather you believe it or not, wait until you have had your own personal experience with a spirit. Because i can tell you things that i have experienced that you would only believe in your nightmares. Mediums are real. DF is one of the most real ghost shows out there and i have mad love and respect for them.
ReplyDeleteAmy is so fake it hurts to watch her. I agree her husband is hot though haha. They word the show very carefully by saying "Amy and I never speak during the investigation" they never say she doesn't do research on the places she's visiting either. I don't get how every single solitary home she's gone into has evil spirits out to get the home owners and slaughter them? She sounds like she's guessing when she does her walk because she doesn't want to make it sound like she already knows and wants to try to make it seem like she's not sure, when in fact I'm sure she's already researched the property and spoke with the owners. The Lizzy Borden House, she didn't know it was the Lizzy Borden House?! The most famous house in Fall River MA and you're a psychic medium, who used to be "obsessed" with Lizzie as a child and you don't know what her house looks like? Please. She also shows a picture of Lizzie at the end and the funny thing is, Steve's photo matches it, well come to find out, Lizzie was NOT a fat old lady like Allan claims and the photo reveal confirms. It was photoshopped. Just do a search. Those of you who believe in her are her friends, good for you, but those of us who watch her or have watched her on tv, know when we're being lied to and she's lying. She's about as truthful as Sylvia Browne. Sorry but Amy ruins the show for me. As far as GA, yikes, really? Zak is so arrogant, never saying please it's always "give me" or "get over there!" he also fakes his possessions. Sorry but we've caught them all faking it for tv. I think The Dead Files was a good concept, but unfortunately they picked a phony instead of a real psychic to work with. I do like the gumshoe though, he's cool.
ReplyDeleteWow!Then don't watch these shows if they annoy you. I do agree with your thoughts of Zak on GA and those ridiculous possessions.I definitely don't believe them and he can be incredibly annoying. Thats why I don't watch his show. In regards to Amy, she is not a "psychic medium" she is a medium that ONLY speaks to the dead. I can't recall the exact terminology of the specific type of medium she is. Nonetheless,there are different types of mediums. Look it up. Also, she has been on one other show that I know of, again, talking to the dead. It was Paranormal State which worked out of Penn State. She was on the show a couple of times before they settled on Chip,for the most part. That show is no longer on. I watch Dead Files each week and have since it began and I disagree with what u mentioned about Amy saying,on each and every show, that the "spirits" are "evil" and that they want to slaughter the owners. Although there do seem to be a lot of lost souls out there. She has mentioned a variety of "spirits". Some are good, some dont know there dead, most seem lost and some are "evil". Those are just a few types of "spirits" she mentions, apparently there are quite a few others. I think u should watch the whole series again because u are definitely mistaken. Even though Amy comes across a bit odd and sometimes even strange,I believe she's genuine. The only episode I questioned was the Lizzie Borden episode.Although it is possible she wasn't familiar with the house or what it looked like. She said she had heard of Lizzie and the story, most have. She never said she was obsessed with her,so I'm not sure what you were talking about. As far as the sketch at the end,they compare it,with a picture of whom they suspect it is BUT it is a drawing thats done by a sketch artist. Their most likely hired from the local P.D. Some artists are better then others, it's not an exact science. As far as Lizzie being "fat",well, that depends on the individuals conception of what fat and skinny are. Don't you agree? There are only a couple pictures of Lizzie in her later years and they were taken from a far,in a carriage of some sort. Now personally, I thought Lizzie looked a bit fat when the murders occured. Again, it's all about your own conceptions. Last but not least, Amy is not told where she is going,so she couldn't investigate it,like u mentioned. Also,there's a driver that takes her to the location.Of course you obviously know her husband does his best to remove or cover things in the house that could be leading. Don't forget it is a T.V show and both Amy and Steve do hours upon hours of investigating,then the producers cut it to bits, even putting Amy's walk through out of order. It's obvious they also have to be careful,in regards to each haunting,with what to reveal and how they're going to help and handle these issues. I would think they have to tread a bit lightly, handling the most important problems and having some solution, aka "hope, for these poor people. I don't think they'd still have a show if all they left people with was fear. I really think you need to reexamine this show.
DeleteI believe the term that escapes you is "Physical Medium".
DeleteI love shows about the supernatural so I was excited to first see this show. At first I was felt like Amy and Steve were "acting" too much. When they would talk it felt as if they were reading from a script and not very well. For me the thing that has me convinced it's a fake is during the reveal when Steve tells everyone the history of the house and people who lived there. Amy always crunches her forehead and says "What!?" in disbelief. If she were a real medium wouldn't she be more confident if her findings were matching up? It seems like she acts surprised to prove she and Steve never compare notes. Just feels fake to me. Too bad because I believe in this stuff.
ReplyDeleteFirst of all, Amy is naturally strange or rather different. Second, Steve reveals things in stages and although her reactions are a bit much, she is a medium for the dead. There are different types of mediums. Thirdly, the notes are because Amy investigates for hours just like any other show. She comes across a lot of spirits and those what the notes are for.
DeleteAmy didn't appear to have any special abilities on a episode of 'A Haunting' years ago. Amy actually calls in a medium to help on a haunting. Amy shouldn't need to call in a medium if she IS one,right?
DeleteAmy, Amy, oh AMY!!!! Whats with the faces? Ok that aside, she doesn't scare people off of their property nor does she tell EVERY client to leave their home. I do feel she is over acting with the faces, twisting her fingers and such. I wonder why she feels like she needs to make all these faces? I only watch it now for that Detective, a) he's adorable and B) he's so funny with his delivery. These are genuine compliments btw. Being a psychic doesn't mean 100% accuracy and I'm sorry if y'all need to be piss and vinegar about it. THAT BEING SAID I hate the ending title, "The Reveal"...come on Ghost Hunters uses that term....UGH! I love Ghost Adventurers and yes there have been episodes where they couldn't find anything but then they add footage of miscl. stuff they do...Zack no one wants to know you farted lol...gross. Also these "black shadows"...I SCREAM AT AMY ON MY T.V. "DAMN GIRL, YOU NEVER HEARD OF JINNS?" Oh well.
ReplyDeleteLike alot of people have said in previous comments you Shldnt bash on what you can't see or refuse to believe. There will always be negative emotions towards that what you don't understand....haven't said that there are always critics about paranormal things. Like the originator of this thread said he loves ghost adventures. Yea I love them too but think of it this way would you stop watching it of they had a medium or full blown physic with them and actually have them communicate with what they capture and see ? It wld be interesting none the least .
ReplyDeletei know there are fake people out there but without hard proof you cant completely dismiss it sure they dramtize things for tv ratings doesnt meant its all fake. without meeting her and seeing things first you cant come right and say its fake you got no proof just your opinion. without facts and proof all you are doing is trying to tarnish her reputation
ReplyDeleteExactly. This is fair and level headed.
DeleteI will give you my 2 cents worth, neither unsupported rhetoric nor biased denial, but from someone who experienced the "crossing over" incident not once but twice in five years I can honestly say that in many cases psychics get it wrong some of the time, some of them all of the time (because they are not gifted except to scheme to defraud) and then there are a few who, by remaining out of the limelight, avoid publicity and have a high accuracy in the application of their gifts. When you cross over INTO the other place, crossing the veil, or in the veil, you fully understand what is being conveyed (notice I did NOT say spoken to)soul to soul, no problems with interpretation; however, being in this reality it is like trying to speak two totally different languages and in fact, ways of communicating information. So most of it is visual (in the head, not what can be seen in the light of reality), sometimes misinterpreted, sometimes right on, many times at the mercy of interpretation. I have watched Amy, from what I see there is a variation of the gifts she claims, perhaps NOT as perfected as is dramatized, but there is a truth to the basis of the story being told. Only Amy, the producers (maybe?), and others involved (also questionable) know the extent of where truth ends and fiction begins. Maybe, perhaps, there is none. But I do understand the skepticism involved, as before my personal experiences I was the same, rational, skeptical of anything that could not be confirmed factual by scientific logic or explanation, but I now know that much of our perceptions in this reality is just that; the rules apply in our world, but not what awaits some of us, and most assuredly, not what awaits those of us with serious issues on this side (perhaps unfinished business??). Again, room for discussion, or debate, or in some cases, argumentative denial.
ReplyDeleteThe man who films Amy is her husband. This is obviously why he knows about the paranormal. It's amazing how nasty most of these people here are, claiming a lot of crap. Amy has been on Paranormal State as well and they film hours of her investigation and obviously choose areas that seem the closest to what te client is going through. Thats not their call, it's the show. Either way, she is real yet it is a show where producers obviously choose and manipulate a few things. I think a lot of people are naive and don't understand that they cut hours and hours of the investigation which means we don't see most of it. Really? Use your head. It's amazing to me that they don't atleast fall in the middle of skeptic and believer.
ReplyDeleteFor the closed minded ignorant drones who choose to not compile enough information before conforming an educated opinion, psychic phenomena is real, I have had premonitions all my life, I can feel real spiritual energy, and I believe there are ones out there like me! I believe Amy Allen is an expert and educated being in the field of psychic and spiritual phenomena. Educate yourself before you speak and then maybe this world would be a better place for all of us! Kathern Knight
ReplyDeleteKnightmare Paranormal Research Society/ KPRS
Actually, extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof. Amy was on a episode of 'A Haunting' where she had no special abilities & actually called in a medium to help on the investigation. This should prove anybody's opinion of Amy being a fake.
DeleteI'll have to do some research, as I've seen this allegation on more than one occasion now. In my opinion, if she actually has appeared in an earlier show and not claimed any abilities, that would be proof enough of fraudulence.
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ReplyDeleteHow many times is she going to go to a location where there are a couple dozen ghosts, all pissed off and ready to kill or cause harm to the living? How come it's never just some grandma who wants to bake cookies for the family b/c she misses her own kids...why does it always have to be evil and negative? And nothing for nothing, if there are a bunch of spooks around ready to cause harm to the living, I say GTFO. No amount of sage, salt and shamans is going to keep me from hanging around, yet somehow, no matter how bad it is, that's always Amy's answer...and to be honest, I'm not all that entertained anymore. He stupid screwed up faces, her camera guy's poker face while she's telling him there's a bunch of pissed off spooks around and the families that are always so stoic (like they're all on Xanax) is getting old. I do like Steve, but I wish I could watch him somewhere else.
ReplyDeleteOh and P/S, I'm not claiming she's phony...but seriously, the same sh*t every time? Maybe they do visit locations where there are ghosts that are family/friendly and they don't make the cut for TV b/c it's not sensational enough...but honestly, seeing that once in awhile would make this show much more believable for me.
ReplyDeletePerhaps there are never shows about the kindly haunting grandmas because a ghost like that wouldn't scare people and they wouldn't feel the need to call in help to get to the bottom of the "problem" because there is no problem with a kindly ghost.
DeleteNo one wants to get rid of Casper!
DeleteI do not know if it is fake and this report keeps saying " I think" but no one is saying I KNOW> I tend to say it is not true...but how about the goings-on in the houses with the families? Unknown.
ReplyDeleteB U T ---I think A M Y is a babe. Sometimes she looks a little plump but I think she is a babe and she should change gigs and become a fashion model for certain types of clothing. The change should be very soon before she starts to believe that she is a medium, and one day she really sees what she says she sees and then she will become crazy for sure. Nobody wants a crazy fashion model, there are a lot of them already. Beauty is fleeting and only last a brief time. So far I also think she is not very pretty on the inside. A little weird. Personally if she is not married, I would like to date her, but only in the day time and in public.
That is actually a very funny comment. I genuinely laughed sitting here all by myself whilst reading it. Hana. Nice Job.
DeleteAll you skeptics are fucking stupid and ignorant! Ghosts and.psychics are real demons and ghosts are legit I have seen a few In my time god help you morons who think spirits ate fake. Dumb fucks
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DeleteRe-read your post, Jeremy. And you think THEY are dumb and ignorant?? You don't even have even enough intelligence to write proper sentences, spell correctly, punctuate, or stop cursing for one second!! Do you think YOU sound intelligent??? LOLOLOL!!!
DeleteYou used "even" too many times in your sentence. That is very poor sentence structure on your part. Need to be careful when casting that stone.
DeleteAmy does the same thing I do as a sensitive minus the cameras if course. You realize there are dozens of hours of film condensed to make the show, yes? Of course they will coordinate what Amy and Steve find to make good tv. A good sensitive is about 70% accurate, which is probably Amy's average. They have to cut out the dull stuff. As for scaring homeowners, sometimes things are just so bad you have to move. I only had to advise one family to do that but it happens. So give her a break. She's the real deal. If you want to pick on fakes try Sylvia Browne and James van Praagh or Derek Acorah.
ReplyDeleteHi! My name is Shannon. I have a lot to say on this matter, however It is longer than the allowed word count, so I'm going to send it it parts.
ReplyDeleteHey Hey Hey Guys--so much animosity! Whether Amy is the real deal, or not, chances are, the direction of how the show goes, is called by the producers and the networks. Unless she has rights in her contract as a producer, or co-producer....she really has no say as to how they spin the show. The TV networks concern is RATINGS. So if she is tied into a contract, she has to do what she signed up for. Breach of contract can be seriously expensive.
With that being said, whether it be her interpretation or something she is told to say...it's starting to sound like a one trick pony, which reminds me of when Lorraine Warren came on "Paranormal State", Lorraine comes off with the attitude is that everything is evil, this is an evil place....its all bad EVIL bad, possession, etc. ect. ect. , which honestly doesn't help the families at all-if they are truly afraid, they need to be taught how to cope, or sometimes to settle their overactive imaginations. I hear people say on those shows how they were scared because they heard a noise. I mean what fool are you. Sometimes I think that these type of shows will take the history of a place where something bad did happen there, and spook people with the stores...for instance--the Amityville Horror house. I based on what I have read from various sources, the house is beautiful, and nothing ever happened there. But the one person who was all over the Amityville house was Lorraine Warren with her husband Ed--the professional demonologist--so that they could get a claim to fame. Thank God that John Zaffis isn't like his aunt (Lorraine Warren). While I don't always believe I buy the premise of that show, 100%, I like how he sees to have a genuine interest in helping people, and seems to have a very gentle nature. But to have a series week after week with the same outcome is getting old.
Part 2:
ReplyDeleteWhen Ghosthunters lost Grant, they lost the soul of the show. Lately it seems that it too has become a cookie cutter stamped product of a network. Jason has rights as a producer, and has some creative control. WHERE ARE THOSE GUYS ANYWAY???
Anyway..if you see or read, "Based on a true story..." such as shows that are based on a re-enactment--(which I love too) have to be taken with a grain of salt. I think Ghost Hunters had it right in the beginning when it came to finding evidence...I get that the evidence can be fabricated-but they tried to keep emotions out of the picture-and also looked at things from a practical side of things, like looking at the emf of a room, like maybe you might be seeing things is because your basement's electrical system is blasting emf into your brain. They look at plumbing, the house itself, and the history. But at least if they go to a place and nothing happens, they will tell the client that nothing happened, and make suggestions on what the families can do to deal with the problem. To be truthful, I have been a bit let down with season 8, because nothing really substantial has really happened that could possibly be fabricated--nothing much to grab me, and the show has a very formatted approach which is probably a network decision. Go back to season one and watch all 8 season. They have had some pretty compelling stuff-Season three and four got exciting. But when it comes to showing the evidence to the client-they don't add to it with drama, and if they have an emf-they let the client guess as to what is said. I HATE Ghost Adventures, because Zak always tells you what is going on-and TELLS you what the evp says, and then adds to the words by knowhing the ghost or spirits intention. I think they are too often disrespectful of the spirits by constantly screaming at them and then running away screaming if something happens. How unprofessional. They never shut up and just listen. As hungry as I am for information regarding spirits and ghost-I refuse to watch it-that show angers me. Ghost Lab got to be that way too, although they did have a few pretty good cases. They had a nice high techy trailer though-that alone made me drool. And God damn to give me a bunch of hillbilly rednecks running around in the woods. (AKA Ghost Mine, Deep South Paranormal. etc. etc. etc. I would even daresay to put Destination Truth on that list, because if they are outside, there is much noise contamination--I enjoy watching Destination Truth because I wonder how long before Josh kills himself or a team member. When I was five the house we lived in had a ghost. It wasn't terrifying though...we just heard ghost walk around upstairs. The footsteps sounded like a big heavy man walking around pretty slowly--all the time. If I hadn't been FIVE years old-I would have loved to have the opportunity to investigate this. I have memories of hearing the ghost, my dad will admit to hearing him, not my mother though--that conflicts with her religious perspective. She believes in angels, but not ghosts or spirits...go figure.
Part 3:
ReplyDeleteTo wrap things up, I gained a healthy perspective after I watched the 1999 movie The Sixth Sense. After you leave your body, and your energy goes somewhere--its a whole new set of rules just based on physics alone. Without a body, I imagine that simple things like picking something up can be difficult. How do you keep your energies together to keep it from blending into the ether; how to you keep your sense of self. But when a show starts calling every little thing as evil and feeding into it as to the reason why--I can't listen--the game has changed when we die. My personal belief is that death is not an end--it is only a door to something else. But if your feel you need a house cleansing because you are getting scratched...perhaps there is someone who wants your attention, but doesn't know how to do it nicely because they don't have a body?
But if anyone from any of the TV NETWORKS has another dumb-assed ghost show-please please please--don't make those who dwell in the spirit world evil week after week after week as evil or a demon. There are negative energies out there-just like there are negative people-don't sensationalize them--they are to be respected and probably avoided. Please bring some respect back to the Paranormal TV industry. Not everyone on the other side is evil--my Grandpa died a few weeks ago-if he visited me now, why would it be any different than when he was alive-he's my Grandpa!
Miss Stout---
ReplyDeleteWell said. We do not know everything... We must learn the truth but we must still be learning. The always learning and researching will bring us to a more defined Truth. But we will never know everything.
I hope soon it is all revealed to us, so we can understand.
@Firestarrz... You are entitled to your opinion but your opinion is wrong. There are many fake psychics and mediums out there, but there are also many real and true psychic's and medium's out there... It almost always takes a personal experience to become a true believer...
ReplyDeleteMy first experience was when I was about 18 years old and I lived in the High Desert a few hours outside of Los Angeles, CA. A little girl of about 6 years of age was abducted and the Police were able to catch her abductor but he refused to tell them where the little girl was at. After several weeks the Police had determined that she was in fact murdered and buried someplace. Out of desperation the Detectives made contact with a local psychic/medium who was very well respected in the area. He took the Police to her body that was buried out in the middle of the desert and stuffed inside of an Igloo Cooler...
There is no way that he was involved in the little girls abduction and murder, but he was able to bring closure to the family by finding their daughters body. The Lead Detective even wrote a book about it a few years after it happened. To this day he still does not know how/what/why this psychic/medium was able to find her body out in the middle of thousands of square miles of desert.
I personally knew this psychic/medium because he was a patient at a medical office where I worked....
TOO STRANGE, but this type of stuff does happen all the time.
Amy Allen is another true Medium even though "we" can't explain it.
Do some real investigative research and you will soon realize that this life is only a very small part of what goes on with us...
Matt is Amys HUSBAND...u know the camcorder guy. so he follows his wife recording her travels and asking her questions he knows to ask...and the travel ch records them for the show. as for her strange body language and facial ticks...she will even tell u they don't belong to her. they are of the spirit to which she is connecting. she is very real, especially to the folks they are helping! May all u negative do-sayers find yourselves in an encounter so then u will know too.
ReplyDeleteShannon...fyi...Amy has a HUGE say in how this show goes..or she wouldn't do it. And Steve is a credible as they come.
ReplyDeleteIt's not fake. I've been on the show... I know.
ReplyDeleteWe don't need to be belivers but try not to be rude or mean on Amy.
ReplyDeleteAmy can only try her best to help some needed ones but can't make the evil become angels. It's God's job! Hope all the people won't get into any paranormal experience then crying out searching for answers someday.
Skeptical is OK. However, we had better holding all the negative, unfair comments or jugemental criticize until examining Amy, face to face, with our very personal questions!
Paranormal is simply a small part of the mother natural - it is never means to against nor necessarily to be related to any religion. Amy can only try her best to help the needed ones but she can't solve all the crisis. God needs to work that part ...
Ok, Mr/Mrs/Miss Unknown----There is all kind of hauntings. Like I have said many times. I have seen them up until recently and even today.
ReplyDeleteBut at this point in time for me. I am not afraid. I now have authority to tell them to leave me alone, in the name of Jesus.
Kind grannies, children, pretty girl ghost or even demon ghosts....it does not matter. What I have been saying is that they are real. But they are here to deceive you. To cause division like they are now with attacks I have received. All I want to do it to help by describing what I have learned by reading and doing research. EXAMPLE: If my father (who passed away a long time ago, were to appear to me) before I knew better I would probably say DAD!! I am glad to see you. But now I think before I react. I ask myself, is this a deception? Or did God allow my father to really visit me and give me a message? More than likely it is a deception. Why? Because God said the deceased know nothing. But the ones that passed away as believers in God will resurrect first. And then the ones that are still living will be taken next. And the ones that were not believe in God will also be taken. And all of us will be judged. And I tell everyone that will hear, I start with my own family, then my friends and loved ones. I tell them that nothing matters in this life. Money/Wealth, Toys, Women/Men, Possessions, Fame etc. What matters is to have your name in the Lamb's Book of Life, by believing in Jesus is the son of God, and that he is also God. That HE died and rose on the third day.
He was 100% God and 100% man.
When you meet something that is not normal. Ask it is he can worship the Lord Jesus now in front of you and tell you that it knows that Father God, God the son, and God the Holy Ghost is in charge? Ask them to worship the Lord Jesus in front of you NOW. If it cannot. You tell it to get the heck back to where it came from in the name of The Living God, Jesus Christ. And it will flee from you instantly. And God will be standing right next to you protecting you from the deceiver.
Focus on the real thing. God and Jesus and His Holy Spirit here on Earth with us. So when the counterfeit shows up, you will now right away and have God's Authority to chase it away in The Name of JESUS.
Again---the devil is real and it is getting desperate. We are in end-times. It wants to take as many away from God that it can, and take them to hell with it.
We already know he is going to lose and burn. Why join the loser. Join the winning team and have life ever after.
Ok, Mr/Mrs/Miss Unknown----There is all kind of hauntings. Like I have said many times. I have seen them up until recently and even today.
DeleteBut at this point in time for me. I am not afraid. I now have authority to tell them to leave me alone, in the name of Jesus.
Kind grannies, children, pretty girl ghost or even demon ghosts....it does not matter. What I have been saying is that they are real. But they are here to deceive you. To cause division like they are now with attacks I have received. All I want to do it to help by describing what I have learned by reading and doing research. EXAMPLE: If my father (who passed away a long time ago, were to appear to me) before I knew better I would probably say DAD!! I am glad to see you. But now I think before I react. I ask myself, is this a deception? Or did God allow my father to really visit me and give me a message? More than likely it is a deception. Why? Because God said the deceased know nothing. But the ones that passed away as believers in God will resurrect first. And then the ones that are still living will be taken next. And the ones that were not believe in God will also be taken. And all of us will be judged. And I tell everyone that will hear, I start with my own family, then my friends and loved ones. I tell them that nothing matters in this life. Money/Wealth, Toys, Women/Men, Possessions, Fame etc. What matters is to have your name in the Lamb's Book of Life, by believing in Jesus is the son of God, and that he is also God. That HE died and rose on the third day.
He was 100% God and 100% man.
When you meet something that is not normal. Ask it is he can worship the Lord Jesus now in front of you and tell you that it knows that Father God, God the son, and God the Holy Ghost is in charge? Ask them to worship the Lord Jesus in front of you NOW. If it cannot. You tell it to get the heck back to where it came from in the name of The Living God, Jesus Christ. And it will flee from you instantly. And God will be standing right next to you protecting you from the deceiver.
Focus on the real thing. God and Jesus and His Holy Spirit here on Earth with us. So when the counterfeit shows up, you will now right away and have God's Authority to chase it away in The Name of JESUS.
Again---the devil is real and it is getting desperate. We are in end-times. It wants to take as many away from God that it can, and take them to hell with it.
We already know he is going to lose and burn. Why join the loser. Join the winning team and have life ever after.
God is the biggest FAKE of them all. One hell of a ghost story there.
DeleteI just curious, are all ghosts Christian? In all these type of shows you hear lines like "by the power of Jesus I command you", "In the name of Jesus you must leave", or stuff like that. Then there is the use of Saint's names to ward off evil spirits. Sprinkling holy water...etc. Glad I'm Jewish!
DeleteSpirit hunting has developed into a science now. At the turn of the century many people wanted to speak to the dead - and many charlatans were happy to oblige with faked seances. Maybe some were successful, but most weren't and were debunked as evidenced by hoax photography & those in the wings making things move, sounds, etc.
ReplyDeleteInteresting that anomalies in temperature, electromagnetic fields, object movement and voice captures are commonplace now in conjunction with seeing phenomena of some sort by "ghost hunters." But do they nail the history of the property, find the source and remedy the situation? No.
I believe Amy is a sensitive and medium of the highest order and performs her work with integrity for the clients. Now here's the difference, she's investigating spirit activity with her body, via her psychic gifts and abilities, not EVP's, Thermal Cameras, Voice Boxes and other equipment. She also knows what to do and who to contact to respectfully clear the spirits and send them on their way and some out of their misery.
Since the spiritual social climate has loosened, more people are coming forward to report unusual events and are ASKING for help, sometimes as a last resort because the church or others won't help, haven't been successful in ridding spirits or don't know how.
As a sensitive myself, who wants nothing to do with spirit communication, I am grateful that people like Amy exist to uncover what, why and who are tormenting the living and advise a way to remove this unknown world of spirits. That world is real and really scary - just ask a catholic priest.
I don't understand why someone who doesn't believe, goes out of their way to comment. For example, I get irritated by certain political commentators, I don't go online and post negative comments about them when I know they are lying about a topic; I avoid them.
ReplyDeleteIt is important to understand, that it's only an HOUR long show that is supposed to connect the dots, why in the world would they not EDIT out her inaccuracies? The point is for them to validate each other. Two different ways to information. Steve collects info that could be myth or legend and having two people using different paths to the same conclusion helps to give information to the clients REQUESTED their help. It's not like they go knocking on doors...
Why anyone would say Amy tells them to leave every time is beyond me, other then they've watched a limited amount of episodes. A LOT of times the clients make it clear from the get-go that leaving is not an option.
OH, and there's this neat little thing you do if you don't like it, "change the channel" and for crying out loud is it soooo important to you that you make a "blog" about her. I agree with former posters that clearly the blog poster has some shady motive for blogging it. My opinion? She has a crush on one of the Ghost Adventurers and was trying to draw some attention from them. BUT none of those guys would doubt or disrespect someone like Amy.
I'm watching an episode right now where she flat out said she didn't pick something up. So your insistence that she's "never wrong" was pretty much disproven by five seconds of watching the show.
ReplyDeleteOut of all the paranormal shows that are on right now, "Dead Files" is actually the most believable. You want a load of crap, turn on "Paranormal State," "Ghost Adventures," "Ghost Mine." Or, you know, anyone who calls in Lorraine Warren for anything other than a tea party.
Wow! I don't even know how I came to this blog, but I am astounded that people (who are, I'm sure, imperfect) feel they have the right to judge anyone. Simply put, watch the show if you like it. Don't watch it if you don't like it. In the end does it really matter if you believe it or not? Believe if you feel compelled to. For those who don't, is it really surprising? There are many things in the world that people don't believe, simply because they have never had an experience in their life that influences them. Isn't that how life works?
ReplyDeleteI would be more inclined to believe this show if the ex cop did his info-gathering AFTER she does her walk-through, not nearly a full day AHEAD of her, because you KNOW he is telling her what he found out, then she just pretends she is picking all that up. All these fake ghost shows just give them ALL a bad name. It infuriates me to be lied to, and that's all most of the ghost shows do. The other fakes include My Ghost Story Caught On Camera, Ghost Adventures, Ghost Hunters, etc. we want REALITY in a reality show, not FICTION.
ReplyDeleteShe is being fed his info through an earpiece while doing her walkthrough. She is wearing an earpiece and someone is off cam telling her what to say feeding her his reports, the history of the house. Its always the same basic info with a few new things they can get by running a simple property report online before doing any real research. She wears her hair long keeps her ears always covered to hide the earpiece/prices from us and the cameras. She sometimes talks louder than normal often a side effect of having someone talk in your ear and having someone talking to you at the same time. This is an old, old phony psychic trick when radio first came out. She is wearing an inner ear radio receiver that looks like an hearing aid and someone is simply telling her what to say to people.A "bug" detector or "Jamer" would prove this since she would not be able to get her inside info and have to pull it out of her back side or tell the truth. I watched every episode back to back over three days and its even more clear how fake this show is, even more clear is how when the cam gets close to showing the side of her head. Around her ears she has one of her "Psychic" spas outs for the cam. To make sure her ears can't be seen, she also uses the playing with her hair as a signal that she needs info or help with a clue or situation is getting stuck, has sketched the wrong person there is a problem. If you watch them all back to back more things stick out become even more clear to you, she looks even more fake, looks to me as if being fed info and how its being done. I know carnival fortune tells that put on better shows and admit they are fake from the start that its a show for entertainment purposes only.
DeleteShe looks so much like that mean bitch on Hardcore Pawn!!
ReplyDeleteI believe amy has her moments where shes spot on and others where she is just pickin up sstuff that she sees about the area she is investigating im a sensitive..i kbow we all get a bad rep for the few times were wong..i thnk shes legit but she needs to tone down the drama..if her and zach ever had a child..loord!!! Academy award..im tellin ya..but it is for ratings..her and zach also come into contact with far too many demons for my belief..lord knows each pplace I investiigate doesnt always have demonic presence ..and ive been doin this for 16yrs.. The gac boys are quite prententious..but I love the show..the do not air any episide unless there is evidence of hauntings..i think they need to stop the provoking tho..and stop sounding like big babies..love the show tho and love dead files..
ReplyDeleteI believe amy has her moments where shes spot on and others where she is just pickin up sstuff that she sees about the area she is investigating im a sensitive..i kbow we all get a bad rep for the few times were wong..i thnk shes legit but she needs to tone down the drama..if her and zach ever had a child..loord!!! Academy award..im tellin ya..but it is for ratings..her and zach also come into contact with far too many demons for my belief..lord knows each pplace I investiigate doesnt always have demonic presence ..and ive been doin this for 16yrs.. The gac boys are quite prententious..but I love the show..the do not air any episide unless there is evidence of hauntings..i think they need to stop the provoking tho..and stop sounding like big babies..love the show tho and love dead files..
ReplyDeleteI believe amy has her moments where shes spot on and others where she is just pickin up sstuff that she sees about the area she is investigating im a sensitive..i kbow we all get a bad rep for the few times were wong..i thnk shes legit but she needs to tone down the drama..if her and zach ever had a child..loord!!! Academy award..im tellin ya..but it is for ratings..her and zach also come into contact with far too many demons for my belief..lord knows each pplace I investiigate doesnt always have demonic presence ..and ive been doin this for 16yrs.. The gac boys are quite prententious..but I love the show..the do not air any episide unless there is evidence of hauntings..i think they need to stop the provoking tho..and stop sounding like big babies..love the show tho and love dead files..
ReplyDeleteI believe amy has her moments where shes spot on and others where she is just pickin up sstuff that she sees about the area she is investigating im a sensitive..i kbow we all get a bad rep for the few times were wong..i thnk shes legit but she needs to tone down the drama..if her and zach ever had a child..loord!!! Academy award..im tellin ya..but it is for ratings..her and zach also come into contact with far too many demons for my belief..lord knows each pplace I investiigate doesnt always have demonic presence ..and ive been doin this for 16yrs.. The gac boys are quite prententious..but I love the show..the do not air any episide unless there is evidence of hauntings..i think they need to stop the provoking tho..and stop sounding like big babies..love the show tho and love dead files..
ReplyDeleteHow old r u 12. Tune off if u don't think it' real. It is 1 of the best show's on TV. Don't put it down if u think it's fake. U r in the minority!!!!. Henry penta
ReplyDeletePeople~ I suggest you take the proper precautiinary measures before reading any further. For very soon your mind shall be blown.
ReplyDeleteAfter strolling through the comments to this story, I could not believe that no one had mentioned the one damningly discrediting boo-boo that occurs during the opening credits.
This program relies on the percieved trust & credibility of "former NYC police detective Steve Dwhatever". Send "tough","grizzled"," hard knock"," skeptic", to make ppl trust him, and blind trust of amy follows.
But anyways, in the opening settings, steve and amy both admit that Steve goes in 1st and does his research. And if you ever look at the clocks where steve is, it is always early morning. So he does his thing, "discovering" past events, while doing so, he documents on camera specific details.
Now its Amys turn! Everytime, on her way to the destination, she starts "picking up signals", then she arrives, she enters and begins ramblin' off the same stuff steve "discovered" earlier(she always goes in after midnight).
Sorry to all the gullible ones out there.
Good point..
DeleteIm a sensitive..not full blown" psychic" but I do sense things bout people places and things as well..and it can happen any .time of day ..i dont sense things only.at night..a true sensitive or psychic can read any time of day..so ur point is very valid
Deletetattoed,I agree im an emapth. you sound like me. can happen at anytime. lights dont need to be off. doesnt have to be dark. just happens.
DeleteGhost adventures more fake then dead files, UM HELLO at least they have the ovilus that SPEAKS you just have the word of amy and cant verify any of it Ghost adventures has photo proof, amy got none, ghost adventures has recorded voices AMY HAS NONE, I find it hilarious that people say amy is real but ghost adventures is fake... GHOST ADVENTURES HAVE PROOF. Just because they are guys searching for ghosts that does not discredit them. They do not claim to be mediums, psychics or sensitive's so how are they FAKE? What exactly are they lying about? They are searching for proof of ghosts, that requires you to ghost hunt, so where is the lies?? Oh you didn't watch it and hear the ghosts SPEAK through the spirit box, WHAT MORE PROOF DO YOU WANT even an manifestation you would claim is a fake. Tell me what evidence does Amy bring, just her word!!! HA but you believe that over photo, voice and others word. Yep, your drinking the kool-aid
ReplyDeleteGac is real. They drama us a bit much even tho I know its for ratings ..but they do show documented great evidence.. And they never air an episode unless they have evidence of hauntings..i think amy could be a real psychic but I like the real valid evidence
Deleteghost adventures cracks me up. I love watching aaron freak out....
DeleteAmy looks like an uglier version of Chyna the wrestler.
ReplyDeleteAmy when she does her walk throu kinda freaks me out. I've always been interested in the paranormal and find the show disturbing. I'm a christian and believe in jesus christ and can't understand how this women amy finds all these dead and evil entities and are always all over someones house and property. Amy with all her dramatic facial expressions and creepy stories of what she sees and hears would make someone afraid to die. Because after watching her after a few episodes there's no heaven, no jesus, no GOD. After you die you are stuck here to be tormented and suffer foever. I hope this show is fake because it depresses the hell out of me that this is how we end up. Its against everything the bible says.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteThere are some episodes when her clients say they believe in God/Jesus, Amy tells them, "That's good." Also, the Bible actually talks about people not going to heaven after they die but they "sleep", and when the Second coming arrives the dead will be awaken and that's when everyone will be judged. Read the Bible.
DeleteIf you read my other posts, I was trying to point out that when you watch these types of paranormal TV productions, it seem that the, for the lack of better term, Christian paranormal investigators/seekers. Many of them have priests come and do a blessing of protection or the location. Among other suggestions they often will recommend a priest come in and do a blessing. I'm not saying these paranormal sages don't suggest other actions used by other groups, i.e. burning sage, using salt.
DeleteAs for your, "Read the Bible" comment, please tell me where to find the information you are using to chastise me.
I apologize for slighting your faith and will endevour to think before I make a joke regarding your or anyone else's religious beliefs. Just as I'm sure you respect all other people's religious beliefs.
i agree Gavin. i hate when some thumper shoves it down my throat and no im not ragging on the christians...just dont tell me what to do and have respect for others who are not christians. I'm a wiccan. i burn sage. would you burn me at the stake???
DeleteI think her reactions are annoying. I have watched an episode of "The Haunting" and in that episode, Amy is a paranormal investigator who looks into the case of a women being haunted by a poltergeist or so. Amy goes to her house and meditates and tells the lady that if the spirit gives her any trouble use holy water and tell it to get out. Well, the lady did just that and the entity appeared at Amy's office. The lady calls about what had happened and Amy tells her that she had sent the ghost to her instead. That's stupid, give someone advice and then blame them for doing what you told them to do. If you need to rid of unseen things in your house, call a shaman or priest, forget Amy Allen, she will just blame you for sending the spirits her way later.
ReplyDeleteThat's Entertainment, Folks!
ReplyDeleteI will say this about our favourite detective, he is actually a pretty good actor. I am currently watching him on the 2008 movie, "The Killing". It stars Edward Norton, Colin Farrell and Jon Voight. He has a small speaking part and yes, he plays a detective. He really is quit good.
ReplyDeleteI think she's for real. I have seem some of the stuff that she describes. She is not 100 percent accurate, but more accurate than most. The most important thing is that she seems really good about finding the nasties and giving solutions. I feel bad for the people that don't follow her advice.
ReplyDeletei dont have any idea if she's real or not. steve seems to be more accurate and i do agree its a bit too much spot on. But I'm an empath so who am i to say she's not. My daughter sees the dead. I dont want to see the dead. Have at it amy and more power to you. I do agree that they should not have terrified that little girl. I saw that. it was wrong. However...the person who said Michelle from paranormal state is real..the chick thinks shes a vampire...get a life......
ReplyDeleteI do have one critism. she gives people.aka ghost hunters a hard time for bothering the dead....Really?? how is she earning her paycheck.....shes a hypocrite but i love the show
this forum cant be real. I just watched this show, which ran a few in a row, and I don't actually believe that these many people believe this garbage. I will film my own show with a fat ugly chick and a Brooklyn ginzo who claim to be psychics and do a better job. The fact that anyone would believe this garbage is disgusting. I'm not even a skeptic, but this show is retardedly bad. If you are sold, I will reveal this about you....you are fucking stupid. There is no.excuse for you. Worst show ever.
ReplyDeleteHerr Gerard, it is good to see another open minded, smart person on zis board. It is zee duty of zee fatherland to make all people think the way the fatherland wants them to think. Call people you don't even know, "fucking stupid" was brilliant and showed everyone how intelligent followers of the Fatherland are! Remember, no one is as close minded as us so keep going and proving it to all zee other!
ReplyDeleteHerr Gavin,
ReplyDeleteZis is correct brother! Tho my words are harsh and we are sorry if they offend, we shall not differentiate between telling people to believe only what we believe vs telling people not to believe in an obvious fraud of a woman and obviously set up television show trying to pass off as reality.
Give me a fucking break, this chick is ridiculously and blatantly fake, and by promoting people believing in her, you are part of the problem. I am IN NO WAY saying not to believe in spirits or mediums or afterlife or anything of the sort, but this made for tv bs is ridiculously staged, and should be believed by no one. I have personally witnessed many unexplainable occurrences in an apartment I once lived in, and am convinced there were some sort of spirits left behind, but don't promote bs like this. It is an insult to legitimate psychics and mediums, if such people exist. She is acting for tv, and I'm willing to bet that everyone, EVERYONE, on the show, homeowners included, were acting for tv. This show is a disgrace.
I should have been softer with my message, and I regret my harsh words, but this show had my blood boiling because of its offensively fake nature, especially after seeing this forum and realizing that so many people were buying into the lies.
Don't promote stupidity, and stop being racist.
Swing heil
Don't be hating! Why can't we all just get along.
DeleteI must say that I find it exhilarating that your "blood is boiling". Upsetting a brainless, opinionated, self-proclaimed expert on that which is or is not authentic must be difficult. I on the other hand figure if someone is enjoying a program, whether real or not, is just fine. It's called TV!
You think it's fake. Well so do I but I can't say it for a fact because I am not part of the production team, are you? Probably not.
I don't believe their proof and you don't seem to have an ounce to disprove them.
If you think I'm racist against neo-Nazi style of forced uniformity of thought, then your damn right!
I am a psychic medium and I watch the show. I think you have to keep in mind that a camera crew follow her and her partner on a lot of jobs, before, they have enough footage. They have to film hundreds of hours, that then must be edited to create an entire season. So, no, they wouldn't show the jobs, where Amy wasn't 100% accurate. But, having watched the show, and reading while doing so-- I know she's very gifted and working with the spirits she works with, mostly negative, is a talent within itself. As per the person who mention ghosts in gyms, working out, etc... There are some things you need to understand about dead people... 1. Some don't know they are dead. 2. Some don't want to cross over so they hang around. 3. Some are residual energies, meaning they are fragments of things of the past, aren't fully integrated enough to cross over. The absence of a body, doesn't mean there's an absence of feelings, thoughts, etc. When you accept those things, then you understand our biggest limitation, may be our thinking.
ReplyDeleteAre you fucking kidding me she is so damn fake...how can anyone say she's the real deal?? She has the same stories for every place she goes! A big mean spirit, a lot of blood everywhere, lots of dead people, the big mean spirit controls the dead, the dead don't like the living, and then at the reveal you need to leave this place or they want it burned. So cheesy and her facial expressions way to exaggerated not a bit but was too much. Fake bitch just doing it for ratings and money.
ReplyDeletei cant believe i just read all of that. well it killed time! i like the show and that's all i have to say about it.
ReplyDeleteI have to disagree with the original post of this blog or whatever the hell this rant is... I had the privilege of meeting Amy Allen before she was a "star" (for lack of a better term)... She is definitely for real... I used to think I was crazy with all of the paranormal activity surrounding me including the demons that still haunt me to this day (another story for another time)... For religious reasons I choose to battle my own demons without help from anyone... Without knowing anything about me she was 95% correct on her reading of me... Granted not every psychic medium is 100% correct but she was close enough... Now for the 3rd camera that you mentioned that is the Travel Channel and it is part of the contract for the show... Seriously did any of you doubters forget people need jobs especially in this economy... The same thing is done on Ghost Adventurers big deal... She is not perfect by any means and her reading of the Lizzy Borden house was contaminated by her own admission... At least she was adult enough to admit it... Point Blank... IF you don't like her show don't f'n watch it... Yes it is that simple... Fact is Amy Allen and her partner Steve do a lot of good for a lot of people... Here is another inconvenient fact for all of you doubters paranormal activity is on the rise and not just in reports or tv shows it is for real and sadly most of you will never believe until you experience it for yourself... May God watch over and Bless Amy Allen for helping not only the living who are victims of paranormal activity but also helping the dead find their ways home.
ReplyDeleteI would like to say that this blog very pressured me to check out because of the psychic information. Good to know about it.
ReplyDeleteJess from psychic readings online
I find it in rather poor taste that you are using a conversational, interactive blog as your platform to try and SELL your bill of goods in the form of "Psychic Readings Online". I believe that you only came on this blog so you could flog your online readings.
DeleteVery, very poor taste.
I like how everyone jumps to " oh it's fake" with no credible evidence to back that up. Prove it is fake. There is a proverb "better to have people think you're a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt".
ReplyDeleteNo such thing as psychics. The burden of proof lies with those trying to convince the audience that their experience is a legitimate one. As someone married to a neuroscientist with not one but two phd's I can tell you from personal experience that when put into a controlled enviroment under medical supervision their claims fall flat on their face. People are free to believe what they like,and I'll never go as so far as to call anyone who believes these things stupid. What bothers me is when they are brought on missing persons cases,those are real people in real pain and to exploit that for entertainment is pretty cold. Years ago the "psychic" sylvia brown told a woman live on tv that her missing daughter had passed on,this same "missing" girl was rescued along with 2 other abducted females earlier this year from ariel castro. These discussions need not devolve into named calling and arguments,but fig is nothing wrong with honest discussion. It is important to remember the burden of proof lies with the individual who makes said claim,in these cases those who claim to hear those on the other side. I doubt we know all their is about this world we share,but remember tv involves editing and no impartial supervision.
ReplyDelete"No such thing as psychics." I wish that were true,and that being married to a Neuroscientist qualified you to make it. Aside from our mutual distaste for hacks like Sylvia Browne, your closing point is the only one with any merit. The ability, sadly - doesn't operate on cue or on command. A "controlled" environment isn't a natural environment and would negate such a conclusion utterly. I can't imagine any scientist would make such an empirical statement about any natural phenomena without studying it as it occurs outside of lab conditions. I suppose, since this is how you draw conclusions...that there is also no such thing as ghosts period. Or God (pick one) for that matter. The mind reels at the degree of natural phenomena that can't be duplicated in controlled conditions. I'm not supporting Mrs. Allen either way...but my frame of reference stems from witnessing, not one but 4 decades of paranormal activity. PhD not required.
ReplyDeleteI'll just leave this here...
OMG, if any of you believe that this show is real, then I have some ocean front property in Arizona I'd like to sell you....
ReplyDeleteThese two characters, Amy and Steve, are such fakes. I mean, there was one episode with a guy named 'Elvis'. Elvis never mentioned he was an actor and yet he was on another show, one of the tattoo shows, tearing down a wall, doing construction. Elvis was an actor for the show Dead Files. There's been a few other episodes that actually had actors in them, too. This is sooooooo fake.....
I missed a few of the first episodes, but I've been hooked ever since. I am a true believer and skeptic. I watch other shows like paranormal state The Haunted & more. In the haunted (I Believe) The mom and family star having horrible experiences and things get physical with books and other things. Who is called in 2 investigate?? AMY ALLEN. This was years before Dead Files. It turned out the mom was creating a poltergeist. Amy isn't always correct and Steve has found no evidence of things. She doesn't tell people to get out. I believe I've only seen her say this 2x. Physics are very real. SIENCE IS NOT THE BE ALL END ALL. Neuroscience proves crap about things people see, hear and feel. Everyone has a 6th sense. Others just have it more developed. (EX. You have a child and suddenly you have a feeling something is wrong, U HAVE THIS SUDDEN FEELING OUT OF NOWHERE. You go and check and your baby or child is in horrible danger. Y did you have this feeling? I guess Neuroscience can prove your full of it and you just got lucky. There are things in this world that can't be explained and will never be explained and if we did life would be so damn boring. There would be no excitement. IN SOME OF THE WISIST WORDS EVER STATED - "JUST BECAUSE YOU CAN'T SEE IT DOESN'T MEAN IT'S NOT REAL"
ReplyDeleteI watch all the paranormal shows and would like to share. Amy Allan is real in my book.GAC is all talk anymore and recaps of prior shows that I've already seen. Paranormal State... what can I say? Ghost Mine is boring, not enough about the paranormal and Ghost Hunters seem like everyone is too lazy to do anything but watch the set up cameras. The new Bio shows are for entertainment only if you can stand to watch them. Amy and Matt split up over a year ago and the recaps of prior shows at least go into whether or not Amys' advice was followed. I love watching The Dead Files and will be waiting on the new shows to start. In closing, many who wrote comments here really need to use spell check.
ReplyDeleteWhat? Amy and Matt split up? All I have at say about paranormal shows is: a while back my daughter commented on the movie "Paranormal Activity 2" by saying, "Well, been there, did that."
DeletePersonally I believe she is as full of crap as a Christmas turkey, and a terrible over actor.. using this over mella drama to sell this piece of crap of a Paranormal TV show. Sorry, but I call like I see it. And all I see is a show that uses a real gift that others possess as a tool to defraud the public. She's a shit through the heart and her fans are to blame, she gives real gifted Psychics a bad name.. hahahaha =D It is what it is people.. WAKE UP...
ReplyDeleteI need to comment here...well she is a little over dramatic but probably that makes her unique. Im a medium psychic myself and I have the ability to see ghosts and talk to them. And yes sometimes are aggressive and very upset. Sometimes they just "live" there and u are n their way. I like the program and I understand Amy, but again is difficult to please everyone..If you dont like her is not a punishment, just change the channel and voila!! I dislike a lot when people talk something that they dont know!!! Unfortunately for us we DONT ask to have this ability
ReplyDeleteAs a sensitive since I was a child, I do understand Amy and what she "sees". There have been times I wish I had her abilities but now, not so much. To call her a psychic is an insult and anyone who uses that kind of falls under the old 900 psychic phone lines. They are mediums. They don't sit on the phone in a cubbie making $10. an hour telling people they have seen a recent death in their lives which is as generic as store band items. Many mediums have been extremely helpful to police departments in finding dead loved ones or just helping to solve a case. It's all in what you truly believe. If you believe mediums are real, then they are. If you don't and you're so closed minded that people with abilities could possibly exist, well that's ok too. I know from my first experience at 7 years old that they are real. It continued through my youth however I could never tell anyone or they would have thought I was a nutcase. Even now, if you were to go to a "doctor" because you saw people walking around that weren't there or heard voices nobody else could hear you'd no doubts be doused with meds or locked up. Physicians believe in science, religious figures believe in faith and we believe in what we know. Now, if you want to knock down a fake who only torments the dead, watch Ghost Adventures. One if his guys is a sensitive but I'm unsure he realizes it but Zak, well he's just a whack job looking for ratings, playing the drama queen and he just stirs up the dead and does piss them off. No wonder so many have attached themselves and followed him home.
ReplyDeleteWOW! This blog has generated a lot of interest! I'm not even sure how I discovered it, myself. I'm far from a regular viewer, especially since the show was cancelled, as far as I can tell, a few years ago. I watch the reruns that air once a week, when there's nothing better on. Like many who've left comments here, I'm also a sensitive/intuitive, and although shows like this work b/c they depict psychics, mediums, & the like as special, we are really only tapping into abilities that we all possess (to varying degrees).
ReplyDeleteWhat bothers me most about this blog isn't the statement made by the author (that Amy's a fraud), but by the many people leaving comments attacking others who've left comments arguing that Amy is indeed faking her abilities. It's anyone's right to believe & opine whatever they want. You've harshly criticized the author for stating her opinions about Amy Allan, calling him/her "negative," "inaccurate," and pretty much, stupid. Then, anyone else who agrees she's a fraud (by their own observations of a woman who appears to be off her meds or starved for attention), you attack, telling them they have no right to say these things and must be stupid for believing them. It's hypocritical and it's extremely NEGATIVE. If a person expresses their opinion in a manner that is respectful, who are you to attack them with negativity, only to turn and call them negative for disagreeing with you??? THAT is supremely stupid. THAT is the logic of an uneducated fool.
Now, anyone who's ever heard/seen/sensed something that others haven't know that most wouldn't believe them. ALL who have a heightened ability to sense spirit energy know others will doubt them. In fact, it is ABSOLUTELY LOGICAL to require proof before believing something. It makes sense. I understand why some have refused to believe things I've told them b/c they haven't seen it for themselves. I don't attempt to convince them. In fact, I don't advertise this info at all. People who've known me long enough to have had experiences of their own, due to the spirits that I attract, end up knowing for themselves. I wouldn't want anyone to believe me just b/c I say something.
Given that if Amy is a true medium (I cannot say this with any certainty. All I know is her behavior while communicating w/the dead & the living makes her look utterly ridiculous. I've never seen anyone act any different while communing w/spirits, let alone changing accents, twisting up their face, etc.) -- IF she is a true medium, then she just happens to be annoying to look at or listen to. Nothing wrong with that. Mediums are not saints, priests, or gods. But she is annoying as hell to watch sometimes and her behavior alone is distracting. Therefore, it makes sense that people wouldn't believe she's genuine. I don't fault them one bit.
Also, if she's authentic in what she represents, who cares if others don't believe? Like I said, ALL of us who have unusual abilities expect that people won't believe us. It doesn't phase me. But then, I don't walk around advertising my abilities. I give information that I receive to those it's intended for and continue on. The very fact that Amy has placed herself on all of our TV screens means she's opened herself up for speculation. That was her choice. I'm sure she can fight her own battles...and this blog has done nothing harmful to her. If it hurts YOU, then you might want to take some time and reevaluate your priorities.
I just found this show and I enjoy listening to the people tell their stories, but Amy sure seems fake to me and I'm a psychic! I think she is being shown the footage of the interviews and adjusts what she hears and sees according to the information told during those interviews. There was one episode where she gets caught in her lies where the home owner says they renovated the home and so Amy says the ghost is active in this one room because it has been changed and he is pissed, but then the home owner tells us that particular room was never renovated. Her information always lines up perfectly to the evidence and interview and that is not from being psychic, that is from being a fake. Now if she was able to give new information during the review that the owners can verify, that would make her look more credible but I have not seen any of that. Being a psychic myself, If I do a reading and am unable to give many pieces of direct information that is verifiable, I consider the reading a flop. She never gives new information that only the home owners would know. Not only do I believe she is a fake but she is using these people and scaring the heck out of them by pretending all the spirits are angry and dangerous and can do harm and drawing frightening sketches just to make it more dramatic. Any reputable psychic would try to put their minds at ease about their haunting, not scare them more. (I know I'm going to get funny comments because I said reputable psychic).
ReplyDeletei like cookies
ReplyDeleteCan't see most of the travel channel shows with all the logos on the screen.... Oh well.Paying dish network $65 a month and can't watch most shows on tv anymore due to all the stations annoying logos....
ReplyDeleteOh and the capturas to post things are fking annoying as well.Can't even read the dam letters.
DeleteI think the problem is that the show are post-scripted.. as in, they create the plot from the recorded material. I KNOW this stuff is real because I experience it too. I doubt Amy is a fake, BUT I am sure some things are added in production to make the show more entertaining. Even if only 50% of the shows were real, it is still amazing! I watch it as entertainment, not a documentary...
ReplyDeleteI lived in a house in Indiana that was damaged by fire and three children died in my bedroom of smoke inhalation... I discovered that fact almost 20 years after I moved out... I was haunted by the children at the time and "knew" about the fire or sensed it, but had no factual knowledge of it. I know about spaces when I enter them and I find it creepy.. SO, YES I think what Amy does is possible...
So you sit here saying she is a fake yet you don't go onto say her FB page and mention it to her directly. Just cos you think you are an expert because you watch these shows is a joke. I really think Amy has a gift whether it be real psychic ability (i think it is) or being able to read a script she brings the show to life. And I absolutely love her facial expressions, I think she is on the money.
ReplyDeleteAmy is real.
ReplyDeleteTV is TV..they have to do their thing. Amy is not a fake anything.
Yes, awesome facial expressions..lol
ReplyDeleteThe woman is real. I like that she doesn't sugar coat any experiences. When the client asks her "could they harm them" she will tell them yesor possibly even kill them. If I ask for help I want the truth. I hate when people questions her credibility and they can't even spell. So with this being said Amy I love you keep up the good work. BTW OF COURSE THE SPIRITS ARE PIST OFF THERE DEAD WISHING THEY WERE STILL ALIVE. I KNOW I WOULD BE ROYALLY PIST....
ReplyDeleteSome of you people really don't pay attention to the show do you not every ghost is pissed off there has been ghost there watching over children and family members and she has told people that get your facts right before you go calling someone a fake and trying to do damage to there reputation why is it as soon as someone does a little good for themselves these days every one wants to attack them and tear them down there not asking for money from any one or charging anyone for what they do even if the show was fake then it would be free entertainment so wtf.
ReplyDeleteThe hauntings where Amy gets it wrong don't make it to air. I don't know if that makes her a fake or not, but it all about the ratings.
ReplyDeleteWell c'mon folks...wake up..the paranormal has become big business...yes....its show business!!
ReplyDeleteI don't see any proof that Amy is phony. Back up your claim. And most ghosts that die a tragic and painful death are pissed, so get yourself into the communication loop. The happy spirits go to Heaven, the angry spirits either go to hell or refuse to cross over. And so what if her husband runs one of the cameras. Learn how the editing process works. Steve and Amy have modest control over that, if any control at all. Minus commercials, it's about a 45 minute story (maybe less). There are plenty of mediums around, and lots of paranormal groups. If they're all conspiring against you, then you just subscribed to the biggest conspiracy theory paranoid minds can conjure.
ReplyDeleteThis last comment is similar to many others, except for the ridiculous BACK UP YOUR CLAIM.
DeleteWhile being on open minded skeptic. I believe in the paranormal but need strong evidence incident by incident. The blogger has an opinion and said why, he or anyone else that has no actual experience with the case they are exploring can say if Amy is real or even if the research that the detective done was done by him. Yes there is editing by the producers to create what they think would be interesting, Mr Woodward couldn't prove he is real without releasing a lot of private information.
I read a post by a woman who has studied the Lizzie Borden case for many years and she wrote of reasons why the Lizzie episode was just plain fake, She shoes a photo from a book that she wrote the forward to and compares it to the one from the show and one of the photos is fake, I think the one from the show with a blurry blackground and the fact Lizzie as an older woman has black Hair.
So if you find a reality show entertaining, Good for you. But reality shows do not show reality. They are engineered to create an end product the producers think people will watch. That what they care about. Not about if someone is a real psychic
For the record when Matt does his walk to cover everything up Amy is not with him. And his filming is for their own keeping and added footage for the show hence the camera man filming Matt. Yes it is a show made for television but that doesn't mean it's all fake. And the reason she always says the same stuff Steve comes up with and not much more is simply editing done by the production company. Get ahold of an uncut episode as I have and you'll see that she experiences ALOT more then what is aired. Her walk takes longer then the time alotted for the show. Get your head out of your @$$... Your opinions are not fact so stop slandering somebody just for the hell of it. You're rude and inconsiderate...
ReplyDeleteI don't care, I just watch it because she's cute ;)
ReplyDeleteYou know I watch this show and I think Amy is very empathetic. As fas as the afterlife i work in a seniors care facility and i have been with lots of people when they die. I have seen them reaching their arms out talking to their loved ones who have passed before. I have seen native indians watch for their spirit horses and when they see them they go to their grandfathers. I went to the white light then came back when i was about 5. There is an afterlife u just have to open up to it.
ReplyDeleteSeriously, firetsarzz? That's the best you got? She doesn't claim every spirit is p*ssed. There have been many times to the contrary! And what is your point about the camera guys? Just because they are there doesn't mean they are tainting her walk. Re. her accuracy....If she missed all the time, THEN what would you say? Besides, she is NOT always spot on, but get's it somewhat right a majority of the time.
ReplyDeleteIf you want to talk about REAL phonies, I tend to laugh at Ghost Adventures and Long Island Medium! Now those are phony!
I actually really like Amy :) she is very enjoyable to watch in a weird way. Why? you ask?
ReplyDeleteWell firstly she looks like half the time she is in actual pain. These readings really take a toll on her, anybody that has studied body language for many years would know that, and yes, I would be one of them. She has a gift and I believe she is doing good, I can say she is very enticing and I hope we get to see a whole lot more of Amy, Matt & Steve.